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A Global Compact on Refugees

Advancing Durable Solutions through Secure Housing, Land and Property Rights

Durable Solutions Pledges

Learn more about our Global Compact on Refugees pledges geared towards advancing durable solutions through secure housing, land and property rights.


This multi-stakeholder pledge has been framed against recommendations 18 through 20 of the 2021 HLOM and contributing to GCR Objective 4, and seeks to leverage the current momentum around area-based initiatives with strong operative linkages to security of tenure in housing, land and property in countries of origin.

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Key Area-based Themes & Operative Linkages

Insecure tenure in land is today widely accepted as an operative link between various negative global trends, including but not limited to poverty, climate change, armed conflict, food and nutrition insecurity, and land degradation.

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Here is how you can help

Member States, multi-lateral financial institutions, development cooperation and foreign aid agencies, refugee-led, civil society and humanitarian organizations with an interest in supporting conditions in countries of origin for safe and dignified returns are invited to contact  our secretariat using the link provided.

All the Latest Updates

Stay up to date with the latest developments, highlights, featured content and news in relation to the Durable Solutions/HLP pledge and GRF side event.

Get to Know Us

Interested in learning about the work of UN-Habitat, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and UNHCR with respect to Objective 4 of the Global Compact on Refugees?

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Contact Us

Whether you represent a Member State, a multi-lateral financial institution, a development cooperation and foreign aid agency, a refugee-led, civil society and humanitarian organization, we want to hear from you.

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Rue de Montbrillant 94, 1201 Genève


022 739 81 11


© 2023 by the GRF Durable Solutions Multi-Stakeholder Working Group on Housing, Land and Property.

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